Covid -19

Covid Update

Following the government announcement that Leicestershire is in Tier 3, unfortunately our doors remain closed! Our team have worked tirelessly sine we re-opened our doors in July to keep each other and our wonderful customers safe by adapting to new rules at the drop of a hat and always doing this with a smile (We can’t begin to tell you how proud they make us!)

We understand that the tiers will be reviewed again on the 16th December, if good progress is made we could find ourselves moved down into tier 2 but we wouldn’t know for sure until the announcement on 17th December. This would give us very little time to get everything in place (2 days), stock ordered & delivered, Christmas decorations up, staff trained on the new rules etc etc. We would then only have a few days trade before Christmas but still under very strict rules, meaning friends and families still wouldn’t be able to meet with anyone outside of their household inside the pub due to the restrictions, and no longer could you just pop in for a pint after a lovely walk in the local area. We have done everything that the government has asked  of us, adapting along the way to ensure The Wheatsheaf Inn is Covid secure and a place customers feel safe!

For those of us working in this industry Christmas is the most magical tine to work in to seeing friends and families who haven’t seen each other come together , the pub warm and cosy with beautiful decorations up, the smell of mulled wine and the general buzzing atmosphere you see as people mix together and socialise in the pub. None of this would be the same under tier 2

It is for these reasons that we have taken the decision that we won’t be re-opening anytime during December!

We would like to thank all of our customers who have supported us during this very challenging year and we look really forwards to  welcoming you back in 2021.  Stay Safe


Vicky & The Wheatsheaf Team


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